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Drage zene molim vas za neki savjet. Rodila sam prije 9 mj. Imala komplikacije ( rezidua placentae) prošlo bez kiretraze. 3 inekcije i procistila sam se... nakon toga slijedi prva menstruacija moja noćna mora kao i do dam danas. Bez bolova , normalna , uredno ciklusa menstruacija.. ono što mene muči su mučnine prije menstruacije 2,3 dana prije.. zanima me dal je ikome bilo tako i dali se trebam brinuti .? Ginekolog kaže da je to kao moj simptom valjda pred M. Ali nije baš čuo žene sa takvim iskustvom. PS. Dojim bebicu.
2023 06 20
Ako je mučnina baš izražena, a Vaš ginekolog nezainteresiran za traženje uzroka, možda da potražite drugo mišljenje npr. kod privatnog ginekologa? Je li sve pregledano - nema mioma, cista, priraslica i sl? Općenito se mučnina smatra normalnim simptomom PMS-a, a rijetko uzrok može biti neka patologija. Prije je Cybermed imao aktivan forum, ali više ne odgovaraju na pitanja, no možda postoji neka tema vezana za mučninu, pa probajte i tamo. Copy-paste s jedne stranice: *What causes nausea? Hormones! With PMS beginning a week or two before your period, hormonal changes trigger you to experience symptoms like sore breasts, headaches and constipation. The culprit is high levels of a group of chemicals called prostaglandin which tend to rise before your period. You are likely to experience painful cramps, and sharp pains in the abdomen, back, pelvis, hips and legs that may also make you feel like vomiting. Two conditions may cause severe nausea during your period. They include: Endometriosis - is a disorder in which tissue similar to the lining of your uterus grows outside of your uterine cavity. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) - is an infection of the female reproductive organs. What commonly occurs is that bacteria first enter the vagina and cause an infection. *What to do to get some relief? Here are a few things you could try: Get fresh air or sit in front of a fan Take a walk outside or do some light/moderate exercises for 30 minutes or so Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated Eat bland foods such as bananas, rice, toast, tea and applesauce To keep your blood sugar steady, eat small meals throughout the day Other alternatives you could try: Ginger Tea Chamomile Tea Peppermint Tea *When should I see a doctor? You have never experienced nausea before your period. If you have a fever, feel severe pain or have unusual discharge. If you throw up to the extent where you feel dehydrated or lose weight.
2023 06 20